Whiplash Injury

Whiplash is often a combination of severe pain in the neck, shoulders and the base of the skull and can be particularly debilitating for those who have weak bones and muscles. While most people recover from whiplash within a few weeks, others develop chronic pain symptoms that last for several months and affect their daily lifestyle. Chiropractic intervention may be required for treating injuries from whiplash, and the chiropractic doctor can use a number of different techniques to restore joint and soft tissue functioning, and correct any postural problems.Key Symptoms of WhiplashWhiplash can occur after a car accident, or even from riding a high-speed amusement park ride. The most common cause of whiplash is a motor vehicle collision with another vehicle, or an inanimate object. Whenever the driver’s or rider’s head is moved suddenly forward and back, the result can be a serious injury to the neck, shoulders and the base of the head.
Some of the key symptoms and signs of whiplash include:
Some of the key symptoms and signs of whiplash include:
- Frequent headaches
- Migraines
- Severe pain between the shoulder blades
- Pain around the shoulders
- Lower and upper back pain
- Difficulty moving or straining the neck
- Excessive neck pain
- Difficulty sleeping because of pain
- Dizziness because of an imbalance in the inner ear
- Visual disturbances such as blurred vision
- Spinal manipulation and joint manipulation using short thrusts and applying pressure to certain areas
- Muscle relaxation
- Muscle stimulation with gentle stretches to the muscle and finger pressure techniques
- McKenzie exercises to improve range of motion in the constricted joints and muscles
- Sensorimotor ex